Molly is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker with a Master’s Degree in Social Work. She provides a wide range of mental health services including diagnostic assessments, individual and family therapy, and mental health consultations. Molly serves people of all ages, from birth to 100. She is trained in DCO-5 diagnostic assessments for children aged birth to five and specializes in working with infants, toddlers, and preschool aged children and their caregivers through high stress experiences, trauma, adversity, and social and emotional difficulties. Within her work with young children Molly utilizes a developmentally-based and relationship focused framework with an emphasis in attachment theory, trauma-informed interventions, and restoring and strengthening the caregiver-child relationship to repair social and emotional development. Molly also utilizes this framework within her work with teenagers and adults, which provides clients a space to heal form childhood stressors and trauma, as well as overcome current challenges. Molly is a well-versed in the therapeutic techniques of cognitive reframing, inner-child healing, reparenting, mindfulness, emotional and behavioral methods, and holistic approaches.
Molly is Internationally Certified in the evidence based interventions of Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP), Parent-Child interaction therapy (PCIT), Attachment Biobehavioral Catch -Up (ABC) Infant, and ABC Toddler. She is also a trained ABC infant supervisor for ABC infant trainees.
In addition to her therapist role, Molly is a Board Approved Supervisor for the Minnesota Board of Social Work and enjoys providing clinical supervision to local providers and unlicensed social workers in the State of Minnesota. She also enjoys collaborating with preschools and local childcare centers to provide consultation and/or presentations related to infant and early childhood development and mental health.